Monday, May 24, 2010

Wow !

The night before casting off on our journey, without any discussion at all, the Admiral changed her mind once again.  She disappeared while leaving no more than a note saying she has broken up and I was to get off her property. I lost count of how many times she walked out without any discussion in less than five years. While being seriously shocked and saddened, at the same time, it was as if I sort of received a blessing.  Obviously, loving spouses committed to their marriage deserve more than a note.  I know I deserved more.  I obliged and moved away from Lea for the last time.  Obviously, our boat trip is now cancelled.

Other than Lea, I will miss Lea's sister and brother-in-law the most.  They have always treated me consistently nicer than any other adult in Lea's family.  I want to thank them both.

I am not sure what will become of the Gliding Gander and what its next adventure will be.  In due time I may continue maintaining this blog.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cast-off is scheduled

Lea finally set the cast-off date.  She proclaimed, "The boat is leaving her dock at 9:00 AM this Thursday - whether I am on it or not".  Once the Admiral spoke, I simply saluted and said, "Yes, Mam".

We hope you will follow us regularly on this blog site as we travel along on our adventure.